Northeastern Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Referral

Getting Started

Change log

  • 2024-08-09 robv: add preferred language for HCPs
  • 2024-07-17 robv: added mapping to registrant[sms] for (2) questions 'Do we have permission to text your mobile phone number?'
  • 2024-06-27 robv: Health Info pg, changed Organization screening completed at from text to single-select
  • 2024-06-10 robv: adding new fields to Health Information page (May 22) this doc
  • 2024-10-31 timb:
    • Add in the client identifier (internal) field.
    • Added H0H as a testing FSA.
    • Changed the "Screening Information" section to "internal" visibility (and removed "professional referrer" enablewhen)
  • 2024-12-02 mollyh: added eligibility-10 I am currently enrolled in other therapeutic services (e.g., DBT, CBT, or talk therapy).

About the Northeastern Ontario Psychotherapy program

What is the Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program?

The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy program is an initiative supported by the Ministry of Health (MOH). The goal of the OSP program is to expand the availability of psychotherapy and related approaches for Ontarians experiencing depression and anxiety-based concerns. OSP services are provided by a qualified professional.

At the end of this form, you will be required to select an appointment date and time with a member of our intake team in order to submit your referral. If none of the available slots meet your specific requirements, such as language preferences or clinician gender, please proceed with booking an appointment to ensure your referral is received. After booking, kindly contact us at 1 (833) 496-3677 so we can make the necessary adjustments to accommodate your needs.

If you find this online referral form challenging or would prefer assistance, we also accept referrals over the phone. Please call us at 1 (833) 496-3677, and we would be happy to help.

We are not able to review referrals immediately, and your safety is important to us.

If your safety is in danger, call 911 immediately. If you are in Canada and need help now

  • dial 988 or 1-833-456-4566 anytime, or
  • text 988 or 45645

calculations - getting started page

Location eligibility fields (use K0A if you want a valid postal code)

First 3 characters of the self-referral postal code

Last character of the self-referral postal code

First 3 characters of the hcp referral postal code

Don't show the postal code error message until this exists.

location-eligibility will check this

So if postal-fsa is one of the eligible values, = eligible, else not-eligible

Eligibility questions. Will be formatted depending if its a self-referral vs hcp-referral.

hidden fields, send to Greenspace

static value for mapping to greenspace

static value for mapping to greenspace